We bring bold ideas to life and create timeless value

For each project we undertake, we always look for a distinctive concept that will bring some new quality to the location. We carefully consider the social dynamic of our projects and how they impact their immediate surroundings, the climate and the environment. We believe in design that goes beyond aesthetics and we make homes for a happy life.

Honest work & innovation

The quality of our architecture and craftsmanship has formed a core part of our identity since our first steps. That and a never-ending drive to move forward. Our projects show new trends for living and relaxing, inspired by innovative approaches pioneered in other countries.

We carefully choose attractive locations
We have our own construction holding company to ensure the best possible craftsmanship
We draw inspiration from trends abroad
We work with leading architects and designers

Eco-friendly & responsible

We build sustainably. We build eco-friendly. Respect for our surroundings and sensitivity to the environment are part of our considerations at all phases of project development – from design to implementation. Wherever possible, we put green spaces into urban areas. In order to make our buildings more energy self-sufficient, we combine time-tested principles with cutting-edge technologies.

a combination of different measures makes our buildings as energy self-sufficient as possible
we work with local suppliers in the construction industry
our construction projects use recycled materials
we pay close attention to making green spaces and efficiently using water

Community & identity

We believe that the quality of the environment influences our quality of life. Relationships between neighbors play a critical role, which is why we pay particular attention to creating infrastructure that encourages a community lifestyle. Our ultimate goal? For our projects to become a natural part of residents' identity and reflect their particular lifestyles.

we support infrastructure that promotes neighbor relationships
we help develop the broader communities in the area

Art & inspiration

Art gives buildings personality. We bring into our projects engaging artists whose art helps define the identity of the place, adding an emotional depth to the architecture and underscoring its distinctive look. Surroundings like this will surely inspire creativity in the people who live there.

we work with designers and artists whose work helps define the atmosphere of the location

"When I was deciding on building my own home, I finally realized how deeply development and housing quality influence our lives. I started DOMOPLAN to create places where it is a joy to live."

Tomáš Vavřík, CEO and DOMOPLAN founder

Does our approach resonate with you? Let's get in touch.

We are always looking for solid suppliers, partners and contractors whose values align with ours. Is that you? Don't hesitate to contact us.

We connect people with a passion for their work
and a drive to achieve exceptional results

We choose people to work with who are not satisfied with a half-baked result. We create an environment where there is space to turn a promising idea into a great result, and we know that every link in the chain plays an important role in the process.

How did it start?

Tomáš Vavřík

Tomáš Vavřík came to development after studying adult education and running a successful tourism business. His interest in development began while designing his own home. In 2010 he founded DOMOPLAN, which grew into the largest developer in Brno over the next ten years, expanding to other countries starting in 2021. In 2016 he started a qualified investor fund to allow other investors to share in the success of DOMOPLAN's building projects, and the company has grown by leaps and bounds since then.

Since Tomáš is a Renaissance man and a visionary, he was not satisfied for long with "just" designing attractive, high-quality buildings. His interest soon branched out to related services, construction supply, and building FIPOX, a group of enlightened brands. If you see a brand from this group, you know that this is a brand that aims to enrich its industry with significant innovations and help improve day-to-day life for each one of us.

Martina Hubáčková

Martina graduated in Tax Consulting and Corporate Finance and Business at the Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business. During her career she has gained experience in the field of finance and tax, where she has more than 14 years of experience. During this time, she held positions as an assistant tax advisor at KPMG ČR, for more than 8 years as a specialist for business loans at Komerční banka, as a self-employed economic consultant and also as a specialist in loans for ZFP academy. In recent years, she has extended her higher education by taking a course in Real Estate Valuation and the Professional Examination at the CNB under the Consumer Credit Act. At FIPOX she holds the position of Risk and Finance Manager.

Monika Taranzová

+420 606 156 156


We're well aware that our sales division has a major impact on the impression clients take away from DOMOPLAN. Naturally we want that impression to be exceptional, just like the projects we build. And Monika does just that. Her smile and positive energy are always at the ready to help you choose the property of your dreams.

Monika resists routine at work and in her personal life both. She enjoys how every DOMOPLAN project is different and calls for a different approach to clients.

Nikola Konečná

+420 733 549 814


DOMOPLAN sales representatives are available to help every business day from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. They will be happy to answer your questions and help you select and purchase your dream home.

Pavel Zobač

DOMOPLAN believes in never underestimating any phase of the building process and paying proper attention to detail at every step. When it comes to construction and technical oversight this applies double: we are responsible for making sure that the final form of the building meets the expectations of everyone who took part in preparing it. That's why Pavel pays such strict attention to the quality of implementing our projects.

Pavel Nosiadek

Pavel's careful supervision of each phase of the project ensures that everything we build embodies quality and modern design as well as the vision and ideas of our clients.

Lucie Bittnerová

Lucie makes sure projects run smoothly from start to finish. With her years of experience, not much can surprise her.

Libor Just

Dlouholeté zkušenosti s generální dodávkou staveb využívá k hledání ideálního procesu realizace našich projektů

David Ondroušek

David's expertise, years of experience, and ability to handle technical challenges guarantee the quality and safety of each of our projects.

Eva Zejdová and Beáta Žižlavská

In a company with ambitions to move its industry forward as a whole, you need administrative support that is equally creative, willing and able to handle every new challenge. Eva Zejdová and Beáta Žižlavská keep the wheels running around here.

Kateřina Pešková

Kateřina has the gift of explaining even the most complicated legal issues in a way anyone can understand. Her unflagging willingness and ability to handle anything lightning-fast is a constant inspiration to us all.

Barbora Tlustá

Bára má dlouholeté zkušenosti z marketingových agentur a své dovednosti schopné manažerky i tvůrkyně obsahu využívá s šarmem chytré horákyně při vedení komunikace značky DOMOPLAN i externí prezentaci napříč všemi jeho projekty

Tomáš Farda

+420 733 765 595


Tomáš is ready to help with any complications that may arise after taking over the apartment.

Michal Augustýn

Michal Augustýn is the country manager for DOMOPLAN Croatia, where he is responsible for project development. After eight years working in the Balkans, he has plenty of experience to draw on. He has worked on the development of six retail parks in Serbia and has now spent four years working in Croatia, where he deals with logistics and retail development.


Katarina Potparevic

Katarina is the country manager for DOMOPLAN Serbia. She seeks out suitable acquisition opportunities and coordinates new projects. She is an experienced architect with a Master's degree from the University of Belgrade.

Monika Bajerová

Monika has worked at Komerční banka as a credit analyst since 2010. Based on the analysis of economic data, she assessed the risks of a credit transaction, creditworthiness and creditworthiness of a client. She presented proposals for financial solutions, including risk treatment with hedging instruments. Prepared credit proposals in accordance with the Bank's credit policy. She also profiled specialized financing in the area of real estate entrepreneurs. At FIPOX she holds the position of Risk and Finance Manager.

Richard Pátík a Ondřej Strelec

Richard s Ondřejem vás ochotně provedou krok za krokem procesem financování nemovitosti a pomohou hypotéku přizpůsobit vašim individuálním potřebám.

V oboru financí oba působí více než 12 let a za tu dobu pomohli více než 1 000 spokojeným klientům realizovat jejich sny o vlastním bydlení. Specializují se nejen na zajištění hypoték, ale jako zkušení finanční poradci nabízí také dlouhodbé partnerství v oblasti financí.

"Spolupráce s DOMOPLAN nás opravdu těší, protože sdílíme společné hodnoty – férový přístup, profesionalitu a zaměření na potřeby klienta. Naší misí je zajistit celý proces financování co nejjednodušší a bez komplikací."

Studio Identity Design

Founded in London in 2017, Studio Identity Design creates singular concepts for apartment hotels and apartment buildings for DOMOPLAN.

What sets them aside from other design companies is their conviction that the best locations always have a powerful story, which is why they always try to infuse each interior design with a unique identity that draws out strong emotions and positive feelings from old memories.

Atelier RAW

Tomáš Rusín and Ivan Wahla started this studio in 1990 and currently provide comprehensive services, from preparing the design to author's supervision and engineering work. They have worked on large urban complexes and implementation of many different buildings and interiors.

Zahradní ateliér Krejčiříkovi

Ateliér Krejčiříkovi has been designing gardens and landscaping for locations in the Czech Republic and abroad since 1998. They bring order to chaotic public spaces, creating oases of calm in private residential buildings and working with larger areas of land as well. We asked them to participate in our mountain apartment projects, where we want to make especially sure that every detail contributes to the sense of relaxation and adds to the experience.

Kuba & Pilař architekti

Established in 1996, this studio has completed a number of major projects around the Czech Republic, winning multiple awards along the way (including the Architecture Grand Prix 2009 for the Faculty of Chemical Technology building at the University of Pardubice).

Colllab studio

A group of architects connected by their work at the Faculty of Architecture in Brno. They see the studio as a platform for teamwork and a laboratory that goes beyond design.

knesl kynčl architekti

The architects at knesl kynčl see the connections and specifics of the site where the house is to be built as key. They always take into account a complex scale of architectural work and positions – from land use planning to details and from theory to implementation. Their ideal contract is an urban project, something where the building and city entwine and the public and private blend together.

Follow us

Sales team

DOMOPLAN's sales representatives will be happy to answer your questions and help you select and purchase your dream home.

Warranty service

Our claims technician is ready to help you with any complications that might arise on handover of your apartment.

For the media

Do you need photographs of DOMOPLAN projects or other printed materials?

Please contact our marketing department.